Canadian Wildfire 2023: How to Make Things Better?

Canadian wildfire

The Canadian Wildfire 2023 is the worst on record till now with a burn of around 8.1 million hectares of land area which converts to 20 million acres of land area as of July 1, 2023. There are around 492 wildfires burning across the country.

The fire has forced thousands of people to evacuate their homes and businesses, as a result affecting the livelihoods of so many people. It has also caused widespread damage to infrastructure and wildlife.

The fires have affected eleven provinces and territories, with large fires in British Columbia, Alberta, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Quebec. The smoke from the fire has overspread in parts of Canada as well as in parts of the United States resulting in poor quality of air and poor visibility.

canadian wildfire 2023
poor quality of air and visibility in various parts of the US and Canada

The smoke from the fire has resulted in breathing problems in humans and other health-related issues which are caused by the poor quality of air. This fire has also resulted in damage worth millions of dollars.

The cause of Canadian Wildfire is still under investigation but it is believed that climate change could be a contributing factor. Warm temperatures and dryer conditions could have helped Wildfire to get spread in different parts of the country. The Canadian Wildfire could also be spread by a number of factors which includes high winds and an abundance of dry fuel.

Moreover, there are lots of dead and dry vegetarians which are highly flammable. This vegetarian provides an easy fuel source for wildfire, as a result making it difficult for firefighters to control the fires.

In response to this Wildfire, the Canadian government has declared a national state of emergency and has also deployed thousands of firefighters, water bombers, and military aircraft to tackle the situation. However, the wildfire is so large and widespread, that it’s very difficult to overcome this fire. The United States has also sent firefighters and various equipment to help Canada in dealing with this situation.

Steps for Reducing the Effect of Canadian Wildfire 2023

Climate change is considered to be the main factor behind this widespread Canadian Wildfire. If we will not take this climate change seriously and are not going to learn anything from this incident, then we cannot expect a better future for this planet. It is important to take steps for reducing the effect of wildfires. Some of them are listed below,

  • Taking measures to prevent wildfires from starting is crucial. This involves clearing away dead and dry vegetation from forests, as well as creating firebreaks around communities. By doing so, we can minimize the chances of a small spark turning into a devastating wildfire.
  • It’s equally important to be prepared for wildfires. Communities should have preplanned evacuation ideas in place, giving their first priority to the safety of residents in the event of severe Canadian wildfires. Access to fire shelters and other necessary resources can significantly aid people in staying safe during these emergencies.
  • When wildfires do occur, we rely on the bravery and expertise of firefighters. These heroes need to be extensively trained and equipped to combat wildfires effectively. They should have access to sufficient resources, including water sources and aircraft, to efficiently battle the flames and protect affected areas.
  • By focusing on prevention techniques, preplanned alertness, and effective firefighting strategies, we can work towards minimizing the destructive impact of wildfires and securing the safety of all the communities. For more such steps – Click Here

In short, the Canadian Wildfire 2023 is a reminder of how important it is to take climate change seriously otherwise such natural disasters event will keep on happening in the future as the planet will continue to get warm and the threat of climate change will keep on increasing.

Source: The Internet

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